6 Ways to Ensure Quality in Software Delivery

6 Ways to Ensure Quality in Software Delivery

Given that 31.1% of software projects are never completed and 52.7% significantly exceed their budgets, the role of quality assurance in the software development life cycle cannot be overstated. A standardized QA strategy is essential for detecting and resolving issues early, preventing minor problems from escalating into major setbacks.

This is how we do it at ORIL. We offer a solution for these issues, aiming to increase project success rates. This article will showcase our quality assurance approaches to help businesses achieve their software development goals.

Let’s get started.

1. Clear and Detailed Requirements

We prioritize understanding client needs and project requirements before starting development. This initial step involves a detailed exploration of the client’s goals, needs, and anything the software aims to solve.

By clearly defining these requirements upfront, we ensure that the development process aligns with the client’s objectives. This not only makes the development process more efficient but also saves time and resources by reducing the need for bug fixes and revisions after development.

2. Test Automation

By automating unit, integration, and regression tests, manual work is minimized — which speeds up testing and makes it more accurate.

The main advantages of automated testing include quicker identification of problems, thanks to the ability to run tests more often without extra cost. Automated tests are consistent and can be repeated under the same conditions, ensuring reliable results. This consistency is key in spotting issues that may arise from changes in the software.

Automating routine tests also allows the QA team to dedicate more time to issues that require human judgment and expertise. For example, they may focus on user experience or security checks.

3. Regular Code Reviews

This involves conducting regular code reviews to maintain high code quality, security, and compliance with coding standards. These reviews are collaborative, involving team members who evaluate each other’s code. This approach helps identify and fix errors early in the development process, making it more efficient and reducing the need for extensive corrections later on.

Code reviews also serve as an opportunity for developers to learn from one another. They improve both individual and team skills.

4. Comprehensive Testing Strategy

Our testing strategy thoroughly checks software quality by covering all angles, from functionality, performance, security, to user-friendliness. This in-depth evaluation ensures the software is reliable and easy to use. Following our systematic approach:

  • Functional testing checks software functions correctly.
  • Non-functional testing assesses reliability and stress performance.
  • Performance testing evaluates responsiveness under high traffic.
  • Security testing identifies and mitigates vulnerabilities.
  • Usability testing verifies ease of use for the intended audience.

5. Setting QA Metrics and KPIs

To enhance software quality, it is essential to utilize key performance indicators and metrics for tracking and improvement. These include the number of bugs found, how long it takes to fix them, the severity of these bugs, and how much of the software has been tested.

These metrics help us to see how well our QA process is working and where it can get better. This ensures that your software not only meets but surpasses customer expectations.

6. User Acceptance Testing

At ORIL, our user acceptance testing involves end users in the final testing phase. This allows real users to test the software in everyday scenarios, giving feedback on how well it works and how easy it is to use.

User acceptance testing can reveal issues that earlier tests might not catch, like issues with the user interface or how intuitive the software is for actual tasks. ORIL uses the insights obtained from UAT to make final adjustments, ensuring the software is not just technically sound but also user-friendly and useful in real life.


We believe that a standardized QA approach including detailed planning, automation, and incorporating user feedback, is key to enhancing project success and efficiency. Software development teams need thorough and systematic QA processes to achieve better outcomes in software projects.

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