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Ihor Kosandyak

Lead Software Engineer Linkedin
Creating something great that helps people and makes life easier was always my passion. As well everything related to the Web looked extremely interesting to me. Then I decided to be a Software Engineer. Since that time I have never regretted my decision. Every day is full of new challenges and items to solve. Every day you gain new experiences. Every day you can be a part of the solution. And every day you can share your experience with lots of people. That is what I love the most about being a Software Engineer. Here at ORIL I work as a backend engineer. And my specialties are mostly Java, Spring, MongoDB, MySQL, PostgreSQL, as well as Node.js, Nest.js, Hazelcast, Redis and others technologies.
Expertise: Java, Spring, Spring Boot, Node.js, Nest.js, Databases, Angular JS, Angular, Ionic, Hazelcast, Redis, GraphQL

Articles by Ihor

Navigating the Salesforce Ecosystem: An Overview of Clouds and Modules

The Salesforce ecosystem is a tech giant, with 72,682 employees making it the biggest employer in Silicon Valley. It boasts a community of around 15 million people, including end users, consultants, and app developers. Even more remarkable is that this ecosystem is projected to grow 3.5 times by 2026, signaling a lot of potential. However, […]

Ihor Kosandyak

11 Apr, 2024 · 8 min read

Exploring Salesforce Trailhead: A Path to Expertise

Salesforce has become a key player in the business world, used by over 150,000 companies globally. This widespread adoption brings a challenge: learning how to effectively use Salesforce. This is where Salesforce Trailhead comes in, offering a learning platform for users of all levels, including those pursuing Salesforce certification. In our article, we’ll take a […]

Ihor Kosandyak

20 Feb, 2024 · 6 min read

Salesforce Security Best Practices

Salesforce, renowned for its robust CRM capabilities, serves as a crucial repository for sensitive data. The wealth of information it holds is crucial for companies. It guides their decisions and customer interactions. However, this data needs to be protected. A breach on the platform can erode customer trust, cause substantial financial loss, and damage a […]

Ihor Kosandyak

26 Jan, 2024 · 7 min read

Salesforce Einstein: Revolutionizing CRM with AI

Salesforce Einstein is a groundbreaking innovation in Customer Relationship Management (CRM). It merges the capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) with the intricacies of customer interactions, to enhance business productivity and profitability. As proof of its effectiveness, major companies like AAA, Heathrow Airport, and KPMG US are using this technology to improve operations, drive revenue, and […]

Ihor Kosandyak

13 Dec, 2023 · 7 min read

Spring Boot With ChatGPT

ChatGPT stands out as one of the most robust language models available today. It’s capable of generating texts that closely resemble human-like conversation and can perform tasks such as translation and summarization, among other functionalities. This makes ChatGPT a preferred choice among developers and businesses seeking to enhance their AI capabilities. That’s why we’re here […]

Ihor Kosandyak

28 Sep, 2023 · 4 min read

Flyway With Spring Boot And MySQL

As many development teams now use automated database migration, you should know what tools can help you configure and maintain database schemas. Using Flyway is just the right solution if you have a basic understanding of SQL. Database migration using Flyway is quickly gaining popularity in software development because it’s easy to use and can […]

Ihor Kosandyak

15 Aug, 2023 · 4 min read

Spring Boot with Liquibase Migrations

Liquibase is a DB migration and change operation tool developed specifically to help software developers change their databases and move seamlessly through the development and testing stages. The role of this tool is to hold all the changes made to a particular database in a single file named changelog. It also allows for loading information […]

Ihor Kosandyak

31 Jul, 2023 · 5 min read

Database Migrations. What Is It, And Why Do You Need It?

Today, when developing a modern software system, it is crucial to make changes to your database quickly, like adding new tables, adding new columns to existing tables, removing table columns, or changing its names or data types. To make it possible and easy, we can use database migration tools. Database migration is a process of […]

Ihor Kosandyak

17 Jul, 2023 · 3 min read

What is Application Security Audit and Why it’s Important for Your Business

These days, developers push the boundaries of technology while creating modern cutting-edge applications. Users expect a smooth app with rich functionality that fulfills their needs. And most importantly they expect the application to be secure by default. A robust security foundation not only protects sensitive user data, it also safeguards the app’s overall performance and […]

Ihor Kosandyak

21 Jun, 2023 · 4 min read

Monolithic vs. Microservices: Choosing the Right Application Architecture for Your Business

It shouldn’t come as a surprise that the type of app architecture you select for your future product can be a game changer. Your choice will define scalability, maintenance cost, and the speed of new feature implementation. Two popular approaches have gained a lot of attention in recent years in the app development landscape. These […]

Ihor Kosandyak

6 Jun, 2023 · 6 min read

Self-Hosting vs. Cloud Infrastructure: Which is Right for Your Business?

There’s one critical question you must ask yourself before you embark on the product development journey — should you self-host or consider cloud infrastructure? While both options have their advantages and disadvantages, deciding which one is right for your business can be a bit overwhelming. No wonder there is a split between on-site and cloud-hosted […]

Ihor Kosandyak

25 May, 2023 · 5 min read

Building Secure and Scalable Applications: The Role of 3rd Party APIs

We often get requests to add features that might be used fairly commonly in modern products. Such as document processing, payments, video calls, geolocation, etc. Thanks to APIs, you no longer have to go through the hassle of building everything from scratch. With APIs, you can easily access pre-built solutions for all the essential features […]

Ihor Kosandyak

10 May, 2023 · 4 min read

Why It’s Critical to Have All Development Environments Aligned

It’s a common practice for the ORIL team to have multiple environments during product development. We use a multiple-environment setup because it’s beneficial to the development process in many ways. For example, it helps tackle the cross-team issue by providing each team with a workspace of its own. Also, it allows us to detect bugs […]

Ihor Kosandyak

27 Apr, 2023 · 7 min read

ORIL’s Story: How We Applied Hazelcast for a High-Performance Java Application

As your application grows, it’s natural to expect that performance may start to suffer due to increased load, data volume, and complexity. This can manifest as slow response times, high latency, and increased resource utilization. There are many factors that can contribute to these issues, such as inefficient data storage, poor network performance, and inadequate […]

Ihor Kosandyak

13 Apr, 2023 · 4 min read

A Full Guide to Revamping a Large App

Are you looking to improve your application’s performance or user experience? Well, you might want to consider a complete application rewrite and migration. Now, you might be thinking, “Why would I need to rewrite my entire application? That sounds like a lot of work.” And you’re right — it’s an awful lot of work. But […]

Ihor Kosandyak

16 Mar, 2023 · 10 min read

Java Applications: What You Should Know About Java

One day you reach a decision to take your business to a new level. So, building a custom app may be one of your business transformation strategy bricks. Or perhaps you are hunted by an idea to launch a startup, so you start cudgeling your brains over bringing your mental creation to a functional digital […]

Ihor Kosandyak

17 Jan, 2023 · 7 min read

Spring Cloud Gateway security with JWT

There is a clear understanding that everything that is exposed to the Internet should be secured. Especially when you create software and work with sensitive user data, such as emails, phone numbers, addresses, credit cards, etc. Here we will go through securing API Gateway with Json Web Tokens(JWT). As far as you probably know Spring […]

Ihor Kosandyak

26 Feb, 2021 · 4 min read

5 Ways To Improve Application Performance

It’s not that easy to create fast, easy, and smooth applications. You need to be aware of tons of cases that will happen to your app in the future as your users’ amount grow. Especially, this is true for IoT application development, which still remains a complex, time-consuming, and challenging activity despite much progress in […]

Ihor Kosandyak

9 Aug, 2019 · 4 min read

Spring Boot with Apache Kafka

Choosing a right messaging system during your architectural planning is always a one of the key points. During my experience I tried out different solutions. And recently I decided to go with Apache Kafka, as the best option among others. Why do I choose it? Apache Kafka: So everything is on behalf of Kafka, and […]

Ihor Kosandyak

15 Feb, 2019 · 4 min read

Spring Boot REST Internationalization

Have you ever faced with challenging task of providing service to your users in their native language? If so — then you may be interested in finding a good approach of doing this. This guide will show you how to add internationalization to your Spring Boot application in just a couple of straightforward steps. And […]

Ihor Kosandyak

29 Oct, 2018 · 4 min read

Spring Boot with Hazelcast

Have you ever faced with slow performance of your application? Have you ever thought of the way to boost your Spring app? If so — then this article is definitely for you. Here we will speak about using super powerful and leading in-memory data grid that may increase your app performance! So let’s jump into […]

Ihor Kosandyak

5 Sep, 2018 · 4 min read

Spring Boot + Caching

This topic will give you understanding of usage Spring Boot with Caching to increase your app performance significantly ? ! Every one of you — if you already reading this article — faces or has faced with the problem of slow service. Why does it usually happen you would ask me? Well, there are lots of reasons […]

Ihor Kosandyak

10 Aug, 2018 · 5 min read

Spring Boot + GraphQL + MongoDB

If you read this article, then you’ve probably heard about GraphQL. If not, you may find this material too tech-specific. Perhaps, hiring a dedicated software development team to build API will work out to be a better way out for you. In case Spring Boot, GraphQL, and  MongoDB don’t awaken confusion, keep on reading to […]

Ihor Kosandyak

30 Nov, 2017 · 7 min read

Spring Boot + WebSockets + Angular 5

Hello guys! Here we will speak about how to set up Spring Boot project with Websocket messaging and Angular 5. As an output of this topic you will get small chat built with Spring Boot and Angular 5. Lets’s start First of all, we will set up Java project for this. The pom.xml file will […]

Ihor Kosandyak

10 Nov, 2017 · 4 min read

Spring Boot + PayPal + Angular 2

Hi guys! Nowadays, more often and often in different projects you have to handle and deal with different payment services, like Stripe, PayPal,, etc, to provide users with ability to purchase in your app, or make payouts to them. Here we will speak about how to add PayPal payment system to the Spring Boot […]

Ihor Kosandyak

8 Nov, 2017 · 6 min read

Microservices with Java. Quick Start. Part 2

Hello! In this part we will speak about communication between microservices, and will add an API Gateway to our project. If you missed the first part of this topic, you may find it here. When you build an application with microservice architecture, you will definitely have couple services running separately. Of course you will need them […]

Ihor Kosandyak

5 Nov, 2017 · 5 min read

Microservices with Java. Quick Start. Part 1

Hi everyone! In this article we will create the simple Spring Cloud Project ready to start and work! Day by day, often and often you can hear about microservices architecture. Everybody wants to create services that are independent from each other. And failure of the single service doesn’t lead to the whole application failure. Of course, microservices […]

Ihor Kosandyak

5 Nov, 2017 · 7 min read

Spring Boot Quick Start!

This is a short guide about how to start your first Spring Boot Application. Intro Hi all! This guide provides a sample of creating your application with Spring Boot! Spring Boot is the Java Enterprise Framework that makes it easy to create Spring powered applications that are stand-alone, production-ready and to create it with a minimum of efforts. At […]

Ihor Kosandyak

20 Mar, 2017 · 6 min read

Projects Ihor worked on:






Book fitness classes, register for events, create challenges, and track your fitness activity - all in one application, that brings fitness enthusiasts, wellness and health clubs together in a brand new way.





A platform that provides hospitality owners real-time information of their service staff and allows service staff to connect with all the guests that they serve.






Environmental automation made simple. Understand and optimize your hydroponic reservoir from afar with monitoring and control of pH, EC, Water Temp, and DO.





#UI/UX Design

A mobile app for online sneaker auctions where you can buy and place bids to participate and claim a reward in the loyalty section. Bid small and win big.